Display Characteristics of CSS

5 min readSep 4, 2021


“If You Think Math is Hard Try Web Design.” — Pixxelznet

The display property in CSS defines how the components like div, hyperlink, heading, containers, etc., are going to be placed on the web page. As a developer. it is necessary to place the components in different styles or different positions by which the web page can be attractive to the users.

The display in it has many elements which help the developers to choose the way they want the components should be displayed. These elements are:


It Displays an element as an inline element. It makes the components to be on the same line but, any Height and Width properties will have no effect on the element. Whereas the property like margin, padding can be used to separate the components from each other (margin) or from their respective borders (padding).

Syntax: In CSS, display: inline;



It Displays an element as a block element in a new line. The element with display block property will take the whole width of the line. Even though the width of the component is decreased but it will be positioned in a new line. The height property can be used in it.

Syntax: In CSS, display: block;


Table properties:

The table is necessarily the main component that is used almost in every website. It can help to give the user much information by writing only a little. So, the table should be made as convenient as the user requires. One of them can be by making the table of effective width.

The table (<table></table> element) can be given a width according to the requirement i.e., width: 100%; can be used to make the table of maximum width (by which it can cover the horizontal distance of the page).

As to make the table a separate component instead of mixing it with the regular paragraphs, the CSS border property is used to give a specific border to the table and also to all of its sub-elements (<tr>, <th>, <td>, etc.).

Syntax: border: X px style color;

X can be any value, style can be solid, dotted, double, etc.


This gives a double border to the table and all of its sub-elements, the double border can be a decorative part for the table but to not make the table elements separated from each other.

The border-collapse CSS property is used which make the sub-elements of the table connected to each other even though they have different border color or style.

Syntax: For collapsing border, border-collapse: collapse;


Grid - Layout

The Grid-Layout is mainly used for images in the present webpages, it will give all the images a connection by which even if we increase the number of images in the future (in the same div component) it can give them the same layout by itself which can be very useful. To use a grid layout the elements are given the display property as a grid.

Syntax: display: grid;

For making the layout more efficient, it also includes some more additional properties, like grid-template-columns, grid-column-gap, grid-row-gap by which the layout can be made more comfortable and the images can be separated by each other accordingly.



The Flex-box (Flexible Box) module is used when we required all over elements to lie on the same line. It provides a more efficient way to layout, align and distribute space among items in a container, even when their size is unknown and/or dynamic.

To use the Flex-box module the elements should be given a display property flex.

Syntax: display: flex;


Navigation Bar:

The Navigation Bar (mainly called navbar) is the most common component found in current web pages. It is used mainly used to help the user to directly go to the HTML page in which they are interested.

Ex: If we see a webpage for downloading software as a user, we required the website to show us the easy way to find the download section on the page and download the software. To get this performance the website would use a nav which has a component download that can serve the user directly to the download page.

The Navigation bar can be of many types like Horizontal, Vertical, Fixed Navigation Bar, etc.

The Horizontal Nav displays all the elements in a line separated by space.


Making an element (most commonly Home) active is one of the famous trends Nowadays, used for a navigation bar.

The Nav can also be Vertical displaying all the elements in a line.


A fixed Nav will make the nav fixed at a position even if the page is scrolled. This will make the nav visible to the users all the time on the page.


In this example, while scrolling down the navbar remain fixed at the top position.

From this blog, we understood the value of display properties in CSS language.

We have provided the example to have a better vision of the CSS language as well as to create an interactive blog.

Let our blog be friendly at the same time interactive to have a place to learn and grow.





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