BASIC HTML: knuckle down or hitting the road
“Your websites deserve the best: after all, it is the internet advertising billboard for you and your work”
HTML, expandable as “HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE” is simply referred to be the skeleton of the webpage or a language that’s used to build the layout or structure of the webpage. HTML elements are the building blocks of web pages, they can embed programs written in a scripting language such as JavaScript. Browsers do not display the HTML tags but use them to interpret the content of the page.
Many old websites of different timelines with normal structures can be viewed at
The Begining:
Generally, these lines are called ‘TAGS’
This tag particularly is a type of declaration tag that informs the particular web browser about the type and version of the HTML.
In the present times, most of the web pages are built using HTML 4.01.
Boiler Plate: (Structure of HTML)
This HTML boilerplate offers the web developers a professional front-end template that allows creating a fast and adaptable site.
To get a boiler plate, we can use the following shortcuts:
• Html + enter(key)
•Html + tab(key)
• ! + tab(key)
- Html:5 + tab(key)
Heading Tag: <h1> to <h6>
So, <h1> à is the opening tag
</h1> à is the closing tag
Paragraph: <p>
Here in the above image, though we move to the next line in the text editor, the text is shown in the same line on the web page. So, for this, we used the Line breaker tag.
For sample text, you can use the succeeding shortcut: Lorem + tab(key)
Line Breaker: <br>
Font Of Content:
strong tag: <strong>
Emphasized tag<em>
we can use <i> to represent italic words. Usually <i> tag is used to emphasize the name, technical term etc.
Comment: <! — comment — >
This tag can be used to add a remark which doesn’t display on the web page.
Aligning the text to the center: <center>
This tag aligns the content to be at the center of the page.
Lists are of two types →Unordered and Ordered.
Unordered list:
*Here the unordered list is mentioned using bullet points.
Ordered list:
*Here the ordered list is mentioned using numbers.
Image Insertion: <img src=” ”>
src=” “ — In here we can place the image address from any online page or it specifies the path to the image that’s going to be displayed.
alt=” “ — This attribute is used to give the description of the image.
For more info about the image, insertion refer to:
Link Insertion: <a>
href=” “ — this is an HTML attribute that specifies the link of the URL that the link is directed to.
<a> — this tag refers to hyperlink.
This attribute is to add a peculiar style to the content such as color, size, etc.
Block-level Element:
The first color defines the background color and the next one defines the color of the text and many other tags come under the block-level elements such as paragraph <p> etc.
Inline Element:
The <span> element has no required attributes but the style is common.
For getting more info about the block-level elements and inline elements refer to this link.
“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort” — Jesse Owens
There are many more HTML tags that we encounter, which help us build a systemic or structural webpage with hyperlinks and images. It might be plain looks wise but the purpose of HTML is to build a structured webpage. Start exploring yourself in the field of web development.
We might have started a beautiful journey with expectations, wishful thinking, or with some inspiration but
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” — Mark Twain.